Owyhee was the first county created in Idaho in 1863, during the heydays of the gold and silver rush. It’s the second largest county in Idaho, situated in the southwest, encompassing scenic mountains, desert canyons, historic Silver City, the Snake River. It’s ranching country - the Joyce Ranch was established in 1865 and still runs cattle on the ranges. It’s riding country. Saddle up your horse, bring your hat, and come experience the Owyhee wild country.
The artwork of Owyhee Designs reflect the colors and flavor of the Owyhee country. The barbed wire designs come from rusted Owyhee county barbed wire. The bracelet and necklace stones reflect the colors of the country: pink, rust, tan of the desert; magenta, plum, crimson of the rhyolite cliffs; green of the sagebrush; blue of the Snake River.
Take a bit of Owyhee home with you. Contact OwyheeDesigns@gmail.com

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Owyhee Drunk Tank

Saturday February 28 2015

They stagger around, nearly fall over; they drool from hanging lips, and they have to sleep it off.

Not from alcohol, but good drugs that tranquilize them for their visit with the dentist!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Owyhee Cheater

Wednesday February 25 2015

No, we're not talking a cheating partner. This kind of cheater you are happy to see in Owyhee. The little log-on-a-chain helps you open a tight barbed wire gate with leverage.

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Branding Time in Owyhee

Thursday February 19 2015

Spring has come way too early, but it's branding time in Owyhee county.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Little Idaho Barbed Wire

February 5 2015

Got Idaho?

Currently in Owyhee Designs stock is this charming little Idaho barbed wire piece (if barbed wire can be called "charming"). It's approximately 11 inches by 8 inches, made of gen-u-ine Owyhee barbed wire, weathered, collected, shaped, sweated over and swore at in Owyhee County, Idaho.

These Idaho pieces are currently available. (I also have large ones, but when I figure out how to ship them, I'll post them!). Price is $16, including shipping (USA only!). Email OwyheeDesigns at gmail dot com.